Residence Life and Housing

Housing Application Process for New Undergraduate Students

Housing policy: campus housing requirement

亚游集团官方网站要求本科生头三年住在校园里, with exceptions for those who are commuter/local, 兼职, 结婚了, or over the age of 21. 检查 住房政策; there are financial penalties for not abiding.

通勤/本地学生与他们的父母或监护人住在校园30英里半径内. These students must also submit commuter applications for approval to live off-campus.

To apply for housing, you must:

  • Receive acceptance to North Park
  • 设置 your North Park account
  • 支付 your $250 housing deposit

然后,我们会将住房信息和说明发送到您的NPU电子邮件, 秋季学期从二月开始,春季学期从十月开始. 申请完成后,您将收到一份校内住房分配 注册 for your first-semester courses.


我们会保留你在北公园学习期间的住房押金,等你毕业时还给你. 如果我们评估任何损失费,你毕业后收到的金额可能少于250美元, lockout service fees, key replacement fees, 或在住宿期间的其他住宿费用.


Roommate assignments


  1. Name a roommate: If you know who you would like to live with, 确保你们每个人在住房申请中都提出了相同的要求. North Park will honor these requests as often as possible. 然而, 你和你想要的室友必须提交你的住房押金和申请,然后我们才能安排你们在一起.
  2. Match with a roommate: Questions on the housing application about your intended major, 活动, 生活习惯, 和其他信息可以帮助我们的住宿生活工作人员将室友安排在一起. While we try to choose roommates who will be a good fit, please remember matching is not a perfect science.

Housing assignment timeline

我们根据收到住房申请的时间分配住房. If we receive your housing application by June 15, 您的住房分配和室友信息将于6月26日在网上公布. For all applications received after June 15, 住房分配和室友信息将在申请后两到三周内提供.

Follow these steps to check your housing assignment:

  • 去 自助服务.
  • Log in with your North Park username and password.
  • Click on “Students.”
  • 点击“学生交流”标题下的“校园住房信息”.
  • Select your start term to view your housing assignment.


We require all students living in Anderson, 自治市, 和奥尔森为我们的校园食堂购买三种套餐中的一种. 学校也提供膳食计划,但住在本科校园公寓和宿舍的学生不需要提供膳食计划.

Frequently asked questions

  1. 你只有在收到北园大学的录取通知书并支付学费押金后才能填写住宿申请表. 然后,你必须在自助服务中提交250美元的住房押金.
  2. 您将通过您的北公园电子邮件收到有关住房的说明和信息.
  3. 注册第一学期课程后,您将收到您的住房分配.

If you are a student-athlete, you will have an early move-in. Check with your coach to see what this date will be. 阈值 move-in occurs on the morning of 阈值 Friday. 有关入住日期和时间的说明,请参阅您的北公园电子邮件.

是的. On your housing application, 你可以写上你想同住的人的名字, and we can pair you together.

是的. 在你的住宿申请上,你可以列出你喜欢的宿舍. 请注意,每个大厅的床位有限,所以你可能没有第一个选择.

You are welcome to bring furniture, but you are not 允许 to remove the provided furniture, as it is university property. Common items students bring are chairs, futons, and ottomans.

虽然有些房间被设计成小的单人房间,但数量很少. 另一种选择是把原本可以容纳两个人的房间(双人间兼单人间)租出去。. We can place you on a waitlist if both options are at capacity.

每学期的第三周为换房周. 联系你居住区域的区域协调员了解更多信息. 如果在换房请求周之外发生冲突,与区域协调员讨论您的选择.

请电子邮件 for all accommodations-specific questions.

住在伯格楼、安德森楼和奥尔森楼的学生必须有膳食计划. 宿舍的一年级学生必须在第一学期选择每周15餐或全餐计划.

你可以在学期的任何时候增加你的饮食计划, 但是第五天的课程是减少你的饮食计划的最后期限. Please visit the 校园餐厅 web page for pricing and more information.

把它想象成只能在北公园校园里使用的货币:食堂,维京市场 & Café, and 1891 Bread Co. You can add Flex Dollars to your account online anytime. 弹性美元可以在春季学期使用,但在学年结束时到期.

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